Live Memory

DVD-RAM's superior re-writing capability allows Simultaneous Recording & Playback like a Hard Disk Drive. You can play scenes you missed without stopping current recording or waiting until the end. Since the scene being recorded in real-time can be displayed in a window using the Live Check function, you'll know exactly when to stop recording.

While you're watching a broadcast in real-time, Live Memory is saving the program on Hard Disk temporarily so a ringing door bell or other interruption won't disrupt your TV viewing enjoyment. You can:
"Pause Live TV", then resume watching where you left off, with nothing missed.
"One-Touch Replay" to watch a scene again (7 seconds' worth).
"Quick Skip" to jump ahead 30 seconds per push.
"Time Skip" to jump ahead or back to the next or previous quarter hour, half hour, or top of the hour in clock time.
"Live Slow and Search" to watch live TV at +/-1/2, +/-1/4, or +/-1/16 speed.